The purpose of this document is to provide a basis for revising for the Sun Certified Programmer examinations, not to teach the Java language or the topics required for the exam. It is designed to collect all the essential information you need to retain, in one place, and is designed for someone who has already finished their own study and is about to take the exam.
This version is written according to the objectives of the "Sun Certified Programmer For Java™ 2 Platform 1.4" exam. For those taking the 1.2 exam, the objectives no longer required for 1.4 have been retained towards the end of this document. The sections have "1.2 Exam Only" at the start of their titles. I would recommend doing the 1.4 exam instead, as it is more current and the only major new subject is assertions.
Aside: There is no 1.3 exam, as such. The 1.1 exam exam was replaced by a Java2 exam, which at the time seemed like it would suffice for all Java2 releases. However in September 2002 Sun released seperate 1.2 and 1.4 exams. The 1.2 syllabus is for 1.2 and 1.3.
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